Living Meditation

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Stanford CCT™ 8 week course
🌿 3. 20 ~ 5. 8 Wednesdays 8 ~ 10pm (online)
🌿 3. 23 ~ 5. 11 Saturdays 2 ~4pm (in-person)
👉 Enroll

StreetZen (in-person) :
 Thich Nhat Hanh
 Happiness is Here and Now
🍂 1. 23 ~ 3. 12 Tuesdays 7:30 ~ 9:30pm 
👉 Enroll

Day of Mindfulness
🌳 2024. 2. 24 Saturday 10am ~ 2pm
🌳 2024. 3. 23 Saturday 10am ~ 2pm
🌳 2024. 4. 27 Saturday 10am ~ 2pm
👉 Enroll

Book club ‘Learning to respond to the suffering of others’
☘️ 2014. 1. 14 ~ 2. 4  Sundays 8 ~ 9pm

The purpose of MindSpace is to help people create and maintain a living meditation practice based in the development of insight and compassion. Our primary activities are classes, lectures, meditation, workshops, personal counseling and coaching. We provide both in-person and online programs and activities. And we facilitate occasional gatherings of practitioners at MindSpace for the purpose of mutual support. Our programs and activities are secular; however, they are based in wisdom tradition or contemplative understanding of reality and experience.